Scottish records on the Web

Please read the following, which will help you understand the limitations of the information here before you use it.
The text on this webpage was supplied by the General Register Office for Scotland and is displayed at their request.

The originals of these census records are official documents held in Edinburgh by the General Register Office for Scotland (http:/, and are © British Crown copyright. You are however welcome to use the information on the site for private, non-commercial purposes.

By accessing the ScotlandsPeople website you can search in the indexes to a comprehensive set of historical official records held by the General Register Office for Scotland. The explanatory pages are free, and thereafter interactive searching on the ScotlandsPeople site for an individual entry is on a 'pay-per-view' basis. You can view images of some of the records or a paper copy of an official extract, such as a birth or marriage certificate, may be ordered electronically for delivery by ordinary post at the statutory fee. The earliest record on the ScotlandsPeople site is dated 1553. You cannot search on the ScotlandsPeople site for 'recent' register entries (births less than 100 years ago, marriages less than 75 years ago and deaths less than 50 years ago), so it cannot generally be used to look up living persons.

Muck section of 1841 census
Muck section of 1851 census
Muck section of 1861 census
Muck section of 1871 census
Muck section of 1881 census
Muck section of 1891 census